Our very own MinnesotaCountry.com writer Jackie Ebnet has a bit of a Kip Crush. She whipped this up, and we thought we’d share. If you have a similar artist you do everything possible to see, let us know in the comments below. Now, what she has to say…

My name is Jackie and I have a Kip Moore problem. On Thursday I will be embarking on a three-night concert spree that takes me to Joe’s Bar in Chicago for two nights and then to Mankato, MN, all for the love of Kip! I should also mention that I’ve already traveled to Madison, WI, Noblesville, IN, and Bonner Springs, KS to see Kip & The Slow Hearts this year. What can I say, I dig their energy and passion and there’s nothing like a Kip Moore live show to re-energize your soul! So, being the crazy fan that I am, I’ve put together a list of five things you can expect from a Kip & The Slow Hearts show. Hopefully this will encourage you to catch an upcoming show on his Wild Ones tour this fall because you’ll definitely be missing out on one of the best experiences of your life if you don’t! Continue reading