While you’re here, we ask that you please take a moment to check out some of the brief information below regarding Cowboy Asylum. They are a great band to have on our site, and we are proud to have them listed!
2 The year… 1893.The Wild West was tame. Barbed wire contained the cattle. The cowboys, however, were left to wander aimlessly across the countryside looking for work. Some found hope… many lost their minds. In 1897 The Cowboy Asylum was founded to give refuge to those lost souls who no longer had an open range to call their own. Cowboys, Ranchers, Gunslingers, they all took up residence. For over thirty years the Cowboy Asylum remained operational. When the Great Depression hit the Asylum fell into disrepair and was forced to close its doors.
Nearly half a century later, a mysterious benefactor reopened the Cowboy Asylum, but not for cowboys this time, but for the “artistically touched”. It has now become a home for musicians, artists, writers, and actors. Those who can’t live on their own… and those whose family just needed to find a new place for because the spare room was worth more with a renter.
The Cowboy Asylum House Band consists of four of our finest residents. Through hard work, dedication, and the willingness to be subjected to medical procedures not yet approved by the FDA, these individuals have earned the right to day passes that grant them to chance to bring their musical therapy sessions to the masses.